person cleaning the kitchen countertop

Preserving Your Home While You’re on Vacation

Going on a vacation with your friends and family is one of the greatest joys in lives, one that we look forward to for most of our waking lives. It’s a great way to relax, have fun, and leave all your worries behind. However, coming home from a great vacation to a dirty and disorganized house can be a nightmare.

We’ve heard of stories about families returning from a vacation to find rotten fruits that were accidentally left on the counter, a dead rat behind the refrigerator, mildew on their bedsheets, or even a few items missing. So what can you do as a homeowner to prevent this from happening to you?

What Should You Do Before Going on Vacation?

Before going on vacation, there are a few things that you should do before leaving your home. These pointers can help avoid hundreds of dollars in cleaning services as well as prevent future headaches and stresses that come from coming home to a dirty house and unsecured house.

Do Your Laundry

It is a bad idea to leave piles of dirty laundry because soiled clothes, towels, and sheets can develop a nasty smell as well as build mildew. We recommend that you clean your laundry a day before you leave for vacation.

Doing your laundry before you leave ensures that when you come back from vacation, you’ll not only have fresh clothes ready but also save you the hassle and money of getting your garments cleaned professionally because of mildew.

Make Sure the Air Ducts are Clear

The air ducts provide a critical function in your home. Air ducts circulate the heating and cooling system in and out of each room, with their high usage throughout the day comes with an excessive accumulation of dirt.

As such, air duct cleaning is essential before going on vacation to prevent any rodents, cockroaches, and sometimes even birds from nesting in there. Cleaning the air ducts can also eliminate any unpleasant odors, as this will prevent molds from developing with you are on vacation.

Clean Your Kitchen and Do Your Dishes

Cleaning your kitchen is also an essential task that must be done before leaving for vacation. Leftover food left on the kitchen table can result in maggots and all types of insects to swarm your house. And dirty dishes can cause plates and utensils to stain as well as develop molds and mildews.

Make sure to throw away any expired items or food items that will expire while you are on vacation.

Clean Your Bedroom and Living Room

By cleaning your bedroom before you go on vacation can ensure that you come to fresh sheets free of that stale smell and mildew. You can do this by aerating your pillows and mattress, and by changing your bedsheets and pillowcases before going on vacation.

Unplug All Your Appliances

Unplugging your appliances before you leave ensures that you save money by saving electricity, and this also protects your home from unexpected power surges. That will ensure that your home is protected from any fire hazards as well. The last thing that you want to come home to is a high electricity bill because you forgot to unplug the air conditioning units.

Give a Spare Key to a Trusted Friend or Relative

If you plan on going on an extended vacation, it’s never a bad idea to leave a spare key to a trusted friend or family member that can check on the house now and then. By leaving a spare key, you can ensure that your houseplants are watered at least once every few days and that your home remains lived-in to prevent any potential burglars from breaking in.

Install a Professionally-Monitored Home Security System

installed cctv camera

Hiring a professional home security system is essential, especially if you have valuables in your home that you want to keep safe.

Most home security systems come with a self-monitor that live streams the insides of your house as well as the areas around it for your peace of mind.

If any would-be burglars do attempt to steal anything, the system will automatically send in law-enforcement to stop them. It is an excellent investment that should not be overlooked.

By taking this advice and applying it to your home will ensure that you will enjoy your vacation without having to worry about coming home to a clean house as well as not find a few valuables missing.

But most importantly, wherever it is you’re going, stay safe and have fun!

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