woman lifting weights

Home Gym: How Do You Set It Up Correctly?

There’s a lot of reasons why you should get yourself your home gym. Not only will you be able to work out and exercise at your own time, but you also won’t have to go to those sweaty gyms and engage in small talk with a bunch of guys that you barely know.

When there’s not much that you can do during the lockdown, staying sane while not getting bored might be challenging. Keeping yourself busy during the quarantine period has been a hit during this time and age. It’s no wonder why working out at home has been skyrocketing in popularity in the last few months.

Why Should It Be a Home Gym?

There are a plethora of different reasons why you should set up a home gym. When you’re just at home, you won’t have to drive yourself to your gym, spend hours wading through traffic, and wait for guys to finish their workout routine on the same facility.

Of course, for a functional adult such as yourself, you have bigger fish to fry than just spending the last 2-3 hours getting to the gym to find that you have to wait in line to jog at a treadmill. But when you have your very own home gym, all you have to do is do your warm-up routine and workout in peace; no traffic, no small talks, and most importantly, no waiting. With all those hours free, you can start doing more pressing matters.

But other than saving time, what else does a home gym offer?

  • Saving up money — Usually, you’ll have to pay monthly or daily for your stay at the gym. Every month that you go to the gym, multiply that by 12, and you’ll see how much you can save from just working out at your own gym. At the same time, you won’t have to buy or pack your own food for the gym.
  • No more waiting around — Since you’re the only person at the gym, you’re not restricted to a list of individuals who are allowed to use specific equipment for a particular timetable.
  • Less anxiety — If you’re anxious about your form or someone who doesn’t want to be bothered with their day, you can get some much-needed personal space from a private gym. At least you won’t get creeped out if some stranger decides to stare at you. If you want to work out with some friends, you can always invite people to your place.

Factors to Consider

Having a home gym might seem like you can place some racks and weights anywhere in your home, but it’s essential to take a step back and think about these factors. That will make the experience better.

A Good Location

Firstly, you will need to look for a good location for your home gym. If you’ve got a spacious and walled area, you might want to consider placing your gym close to your garden. Having the right amount of open-air means that you won’t have to worry about your gym smelling like sweat. The wind is a natural way of ventilating your area.

You can also get yourself a good view of your location. Some people will try to place their gym on the second floor of their building to get a good look while they’re working out.

Good Air Circulation

When you’re working out, you’ll need the right amount of oxygen since you’re going to be breathing faster. Naturally, you’ll be sweating more when you work out — and when that dries out on the floor or your equipment — it’s not going to smell good. One of the most common problems of gyms is that they don’t necessarily have a sound air ventilation system, which could lead to the whole place stinking up and smelling like literal gym socks.

When the overall temperature gets sweaty at the gym, it can cause moisture to build up, causing molds to form. If this is the case, you might need to install a home air purification system for your gym. Not only will this keep the air quality in good condition, but this can also remove unwanted odors.


person lifting weights

Lastly, you’ll need to consider the gym that you’ll be getting. Most people will only buy equipment that’s exclusively geared towards their specific exercises or personal preferences, but it’s essential to have equipment that will hit all the muscle groups. You’ll also need some gear that will help with stamina.

Here are some types of equipment that will help you with a more well-rounded workout routine:

  • Squat Racks
  • Weight Plates
  • Flat Bench
  • Barbells
  • Dumbbells
  • Kettlebells
  • Skipping Ropes
  • Treadmills

Setting up your gym might be a tall order, but you’re not just investing inconvenience; you’re also investing in your health. Have fun while you’re planning out your gym! If you’ve got friends or family members who want to participate in your project, let them help you out.

You don’t necessarily need to have brand-new and high-quality equipment for your gym. If you are getting some proper equipment, then more power to you! But as long as you can use the machines to work out, you’re all set for a home gym.

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