family gathering

Thanksgiving Celebration Amid the Pandemic

Ever since the coronavirus outbreak started almost a year ago and swept throughout the whole world, the way we did a lot of things has changed. The way we do business and school has completely taken on a different look compared to what we’re used to. Even the way we celebrate holidays and special occasions has changed, with almost everything taking place in the virtual world.

Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a guide ranking holiday celebration activities from high to low-risk. As long as we safely follow the CDC’s guidelines, there’s no reason why we can’t celebrate Thanksgiving this year.

Here are some ways to safely host and enjoy the holidays this year:

1. Prepare your patio

If you plan on hosting the party, you need to dress up your patio and garden to reflect the occasion. Adorn the place with pumpkins, squash, corn, Cornucopia, or Pilgrim decor. Set tables at a safe distance from each other. Invest in an outdoor heater and a pop-up canopy.

2. Plan a fun and creative menu

Do something different and give your oven a rest this year. Come up with a menu that will let you cook outdoors the entire time so you minimize the inconvenience of going in and out of the house repeatedly. It’s also a great way to keep the backyard warm.

3. Keep the hot drinks coming

Since you’re celebrating outdoors and the weather is starting to get colder by the day, keeping hot beverages at the ready can help your guests stay warm and comfortable.

4. Don’t forget the entertainment

You can have a band set-up and hire people to play for your event. You can also set up an outdoor mini-theater where the kids can watch Lightning McQueen work on that concrete repair again or Mulan kick some bad guys’ butt.

You may also plan for some outdoor games and activities like cornhole, badminton, or any activities that comply with social distancing measures.

Online Celebration

1. Plan and coordinate well

If you can’t be with your family and friends during this time but still want to celebrate Thanksgiving together, you need to plan things well. Work on details such as the date and time you plan to celebrate online, the menu you’re to prepare, the virtual activities that you will do, and other important details. Assign a point person per household to be responsible and accountable for their home.

2. Agree on a decorating theme

grandparents at a video call

Since you can’t be at the same place at the same time, you can try to look for ways to make it seem like everyone’s celebrating in one venue. Agree on a certain theme and make suggestions for home or background decorations.

3. Find the best spot for your computer setup

Just because this isn’t work or school doesn’t mean you can get sloppy with your background during the video call. Look for the best spot in the house with the best background view that will give your viewers something nice to look at.

It is also recommended to have another spot for your computer during mealtime so you can all sit down and enjoy each other’s company, albeit it online, over Thanksgiving dinner.

4. Start virtual family traditions

Almost all families have traditions during the holidays. Since the possibility of being physically together is out of the question now, get creative and start new virtual family traditions. Instead of playing board games, look for online games that the whole family can participate in. Or if you like singing and dancing after Thanksgiving dinner, you can do something like a Thanksgiving TikTok with your loved ones.

More than just celebrating and merry-making, don’t forget what Thanksgiving is all about. Whether you celebrate it online or in-person, now is a good time to take stock of your year and be thankful for everything it has brought you despite the present condition we’re in. The fact that you can still celebrate it with your loved ones is enough reason to rejoice and be grateful.

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