someone putting on invisalign

How to address sleeping issues while using aligners

If you are having trouble sleeping with Invisalign London aligners, don’t worry – you are not alone! Many people find that they have difficulty getting a good night’s sleep when they first start wearing their aligners. This is usually because their teeth are still adjusting to the new position. However, there are a few things that you can do to make sure that you get the rest that you need. In this blog post, some of the best tips for getting a good night’s sleep while wearing invisible aligners will be discussed.

1. Invisible Aligners and Sleep

If you have clear aligners, you may find it difficult to sleep. This is because the aligners can cause discomfort and make it difficult to breathe. If you find that your aligners are causing you trouble sleeping, there are a few things that you can do.

2. Causes of Invisible Aligner Problems While Sleeping

The first thing that you should do is try to sleep on your back. This will help to reduce the amount of pressure that your aligners are putting on your teeth. If you find that this does not work, you may need to adjust the position of your aligners.

You can also try using a pillow to prop up your head.

3. Solutions for Invisible Aligner Problems While Sleeping

The change in head position might help with any drooling, or saliva production difficulties. In the event that your mouth becomes dry and you have a sore or dry throat, thick saliva, or other indications of dry mouth, keeping a glass of water next to your bed can be helpful.

woman with restless sleep

For most patients, nighttime discomfort is associated with the start of a new aligner in the series. Changing as early as possible in the day gives the greatest amount of time for you to adjust to them before bed.

Over the counter pain relief and sleep aids

There are a number of over the counter pain relief and sleep aids that you can try if you are having difficulty sleeping because of your invisible aligners. Some of the most common over the counter pain relief medications include ibuprofen and acetaminophen.

If you are having trouble sleeping because of pain, these medications can help. If you find that you are still having trouble sleeping, you should talk to your orthodontist or dentist for a suitable solution. And to potentially assess the underlying issue with the aligners.

Can I modify my aligners?

Sleep deprivation can make modifying aligners tempting, but the shape of the aligners is critical to effective treatment. The progression of each tooth and the differing force being tapped has been expertly celebrated, so changing this it’s not recommended. With changes magnifying the future discomfort of the next aligner in the sequence as your tooth position no longer matches its expected location in the simulation.

That said, limited alterations can be made to the egies of the aligners where they meet the gum. You should talk to your provider about any concerns that you have, such disruptive pain which should be explored further.

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