Four friends are cooking pasta and chicken, and one woman tastes a sauce they made

Indoor Hobbies to Keep You Productive This Winter

The winter months can be long and dreary. But just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean you have to stay cooped up indoors all season! There are plenty of productive indoor hobbies you can pick up to stay busy — and sane — this winter. From making food to making music, there’s something for everyone. Here are a few favorites:

Cooking and Baking

One of the best things about winter is all the delicious food! From hearty stews and casseroles to pies and cookies, there are endless possibilities when it comes to cooking and baking. Not only is it a great way to pass the time, but you’ll also end up with some tasty treats to enjoy (or share with friends and neighbors). And if you really want to get creative, try your hand at making homemade pizzas, pastas, or sauces from scratch. One of the most basic bread recipes is also a classic: white bread. All it takes is some flour, water, sugar, salt, yeast, and oil (or butter). It’s very easy t do with a mixer, but you can also burn some calories in preparation for your meal and knead the dough yourself.

Woodworking or Woodcarving

If you’re looking for a more hands-on hobby, woodworking or woodcarving might be right up your alley. These hobbies are perfect for those who like working with their hands and seeing tangible results for their efforts. You can make anything from simple wooden toys and boxes to more intricate pieces like furniture or home décor items. This hobby can also be very calming, and it improves concentration. All you need is a little imagination and some basic woodworking tools:

  • Hand saws (or power saws)
  • Planes
  • Files (or sanders)
  • Hammer
  • A mallet
  • Chisels
  • An awl (or a power drill)
  • A screwdriver (or a screw gun)
  • Carving knives (such as gouges, veiners, and v tools)
  • Tape Measure
  • A square
  • A sawhorse
  • A workbench
  • Clamps
  • A pen

This is a lot, but with all of these, you can take on almost any woodworking project. However, a lot of these things are used around the house, and you may already have some of them. With some saws, clamps, carving knives, chisels, a hammer, and files, you have most of what you need for a beginner project such as a foot stool or a small coffee table.

Four friends are cooking pasta and chicken, and one woman tastes a sauce they made

Playing Music

Playing music is a great hobby to take up in winter, since knowing a few chords on the guitar or a piano lets you play around with them and play almost a hundred different songs. You can get yourself an electronic keyboard like the Roland FP-10 or the Yamaha P-45, both around $500 to $550. These keyboards are great for beginners but can still be used if you decide to level up your skills or go into music production.

On the other hand, you can go for a guitar instead, which offers more flexibility and portability. It’s also a more popular choice since it’s used in most pop and rock songs. You can get yourself a Fender CD-60S All-Mahogany acoustic guitar at around $230, or a Yamaha Pacifica electric guitar at $310. These are both beginner-friendly guitars that will still play well even when you are already doing intermediate riffs. Choose the electric guitar if you see yourself playing rock music, since there are effects pedals to emulate acoustic guitar sounds as well as heavy metal distorted sounds. Once your guitar playing gets to the next level, get some sound pedals and a pedal board for your guitar so that you can play different sounds ranging from Jimi Hendrix to Metallica. Once winter is over, you can go ahead and impress your peers!


Watercolor and painting are great hobbies to take up in winter because they can help keep your mind busy and distracted from the cold weather. They’re also great for your mental health because they offer a creative outlet for your thoughts and emotions. Painting can be a very therapeutic experience, and it’s a great way to relax after a long day.

If you’re a beginner painter, here are a few tips to help you get started:

  1. Start by practicing basic techniques like blending colors or creating washes.
  2. Try painting different objects or landscapes from nature.
  3. Experiment with different color combinations and see what you like best.
  4. Take your time and don’t be afraid to make mistakes  that’s how you learn!

Watercolor is a particularly easy hobby to get into. Try it out with the Van Gogh Watercolor Paint Set, a set of affordable Fellibay brushes, and some Fabriano Watercolour Postcard Pads to start with, and see how you like it. These cost around a total of $50, and they’ll last you for about 20 attempts. Once you get better at it and spring comes, you can bring them outside with you and even make a travel journal!


Winter can be a great time to take up a new hobby, and there are plenty of options to choose from. Whether you want to play music, paint, or work with wood, there’s something for everyone. These hobbies can help keep you busy during the winter months and offer a creative outlet for your thoughts and emotions. So what are you waiting for? Pick one and get started!

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