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Helping Students Stay Motivated During the Pandemic

The current global pandemic has disrupted the lives of billions of people around the world. Schools and students are no exception. According to a report from UNESCO, the health crisis has disrupted the education of close to 300 million students worldwide.

Getting the motivation to study during these times of uncertainty can be difficult. Some international students living in long-term accommodations had to pack up their belongings and go back home. Others have to stay where they are and learn remotely until campus classes are safe once more.

You can, however, take steps to keep up with your studies while staying at home. Here are a few strategies to stay motivated as you study and learn during this challenging period:

Create Small, Daily Student Goals

You need to acknowledge the fact that you’re not living in normal times. Your productivity as a student may drop during this period.

Prevent this from happening by establishing daily goals to stay as productive as possible. Create a checklist that lists your tasks for the day. Cross off the tasks you’ve completed and make a new checklist for the following day. Setting goals allows you to stay on track with your studies.

Arrange Virtual Meet-ups with Your Friends

A difficult aspect of the pandemic is social distancing. Not being able to spend time with your friends is emotionally draining.

Although social distancing might be in place, you don’t need to shut yourself from the world entirely. Schedule zoom get-togethers with your friends and do this as often as possible. The promise of virtual meet-ups is something that you and your friends can look forward to during these hard times.

Set Time for Work and Leisure

Some people find studying at home all the time trying. They have to wrestle with the temptation of accessing and using Netflix, YouTube, and other streaming apps. Others, however, devote almost all of their time to studying. That could lead to a serious case of overworking.

You can achieve a healthy “study-life balance” by managing their schedules effectively. You could follow a standard nine-to-five schedule with a lunch break to stay engaged. After you finish your study hours, put down your work, make dinner, and relax your brain. The important thing here is to allot a chunk of your schedule for studies and dedicate the rest to relaxing.

Prioritise Your Mental Health

happy student

Staying motivated in your studies can be difficult if you often feel anxious. When you’re mentally stressed, you can’t concentrate properly. During these troubled times, manage your mental health properly. Some things you could do to take care of your emotional health are the following:

  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule. Avoid staying up too late frequently to finish your assignments.
  • Exercise every day.
  • Eat balanced meals.
  • Give yourself time to enjoy social media and TV, but minimise the amount of time you spend listening to pandemic-related news.
  • Take up online yoga, meditation, and other exercises to calm your mind.

Although this pandemic feels like it’s never going to end, remember that tough times don’t last. Staying focused in your studies will help you refocus your time and attention away from the health crisis and toward a hopeful and brighter future.

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