Mom doing yoga with child

Childproofing Your House 101

If you have children or plan on having them, it is vital to ensure that your home is a safe environment for them, especially since they’ll spend much of their time in it. While most ideas on childproofing automatically go to latches and extra safety locks, here are some other ways you can make your house safer for kids.

Secure the outside

A lot of hazards lay just outside the house and still within the property. It’s important to make the outdoor spaces just as safe as the indoor areas of your home.

Installing sturdy fencing and metal gates is a good protective measure to secure your property for the whole family and for kids in particular. A metal gate or fence is less likely to swing open accidentally, once securely latched.  The durability of material makes it more resistant to corrosion that could essentially weaken the gate ad make it more prone to breaking. Plus, metal presents less hazards for your little tykes, than, say, a rusted out fence of poor quality material or one with splinters and shards of decayed wood. If there is a pool outside, it should have a cover, so a child doesn’t just wander towards it and accidentally fall in. Having cameras around is also good so you can still monitor the area for good measure. Any gardening implements or handyman tools should be kept within a shed or closed storage so that they aren’t out in the open possibly causing injury to your child.

Make furniture fall-free

Brothers playing in the house

A lot of injuries that kids get are simply from falling from or having big items fall on them. You can lessen this risk by securing furniture that could cause such situations.

First, check for any high windows. These should not have easily climbable furniture propped up against them, especially if the window is at a height. Then, check if you have any furniture that can easily tip over and fall on a child. You can mount such pieces onto the wall or just make sure they are bottom-heavy so that they don’t easily topple over when pushed or applying weight. Tall shelves and chests of drawers are particularly notorious risk factors, so make sure to nail down any tall pieces of furniture to the wand to secure drawers with childproof locks.

Anchor heavy appliances like your televisions and kitchenware as well. Additionally, secure all carpets and mats to the ground and make sure your floors aren’t slippery to prevent falls, slips, and trips. If you have a staircase, purchasing a childproof gate may prove a worthwhile expense.

Beat the elements

A lot of cases of child injuries and even fatalities result from things like fire and water in the home.

Make sure flammable objects and appliances that produce open flame are kept away from the reach of children. Even if your kids are older, it’s best to unplug any devices that are not in use so there is no exposure to live current. An additional safety measure you can take is to seal and secure all electrical sources with outlet covers when they are not in use.

Keep water temperature regulated to avoid scalding and make sure you don’t have any accessible water that may be deep enough to accidentally cause drowning. Remember that even a big-enough pail of water can pose a drowning hazard for a small child.

Make sure your child always has access to good ventilation and sufficient airflow. For babies, it’s best to avoid overcrowding their crib with stuffed toys and blankets.

With enough care and attention, the home can be the haven it should be to help your child grow into healthy, secure, stellar adults.

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