
Camping 101 for Beginners: What You Should Note

Camping is a perfect way to have a quick getaway from the city. It is one of the most popular recreational activities, and according to Statista data, around 40 million people go camping every year in the U.S. In 2015, National Sporting Goods Association reported that the U.S. campers had spent 1.69 billion dollars on their equipment.

It seems like there are many pro campers out there already. But, how about newbies at camping? What should they remember to do and bring before they set out for their first camping trip?

Camping Hacks for Beginners


  1. Plan your meals

It would be helpful to make a careful plan of the meals you will have for each day of your camping trip, especially if you’re camping with a group. Doing this will let you know what ingredients and cooking tools you need to buy and pack for the trip. It will not be easy if you end up forgetting a cooking oil or a pan and only remember about them once you’re in the middle of nowhere.

  1. Invest in a camping fridge or a good cooler box

Having either a camping fridge or a decent cooler box allows you to store your food for an extended period. It’s better than an average cooler box. Having one ensures that you will have cool water to drink and properly stored food for camping, especially if you’re camping for days. It will also help if you freeze your food and drinks first before you put them in the cooler box to allow the cooler to have an extended cooling time.

  1. List the things to bring

A few days before your trip, you should make a list of essential things you need to bring for your camping trip. As you put each item in your bag, check it off the list to know which one you haven’t packed yet. It would make your packing more organized and will ensure you wouldn’t forget anything.

You need to remember to bring medications, clothes, water, snacks, kitchen utensils, cutleries, extra fuel, flashlights, chairs, trash cans, phone charger, toiletries, sunscreen, and of course: insect repellents. You wouldn’t want to go home with mosquito bites all over you or bring home some ticks. That’s a nightmare, but you can always call a tick control service if it comes to that.

  1. Bring a sleeping bag

Sometimes, sleeping on a mat on the ground is enough, but it could get freezing at night, even in summer. So, we thought of listing a sleeping bag in a different number because it’s one of the essential things you should have to have a good night’s sleep. And don’t forget to bring some extra blankets, too.


  1. Bring a lamp or a lantern

We know we’ve already reminded you to bring a torch or a flashlight with you, but having a lantern would be better if you intend to read in your tent or do some activities in the dark.

  1. Make sure your tent and campsite are good

Before you leave for your trip, you have to double-check that all the parts of your tent are in the tent bag. Check the mallet, poles, and pegs to ensure you wouldn’t have any problems when you start putting up your tent.

When you get to the campsite, you have to choose a flat ground. Try to avoid setting up camp near the road or the camp’s toilets because it might be noisy there. Also, choose a spot where there are trees to have a cover from the intense afternoon sunlight.

  1. Set your campsite nicely

Once you’ve already set up your camp, it would be nice if you could make your area feel homier by putting out your chairs. It would help if you also organized everything like your cooler box and cooking materials in a makeshift camp kitchen.

  1. Secure your camp and yourself

Whenever you go and wander around the area, make sure you remember to secure your tent and bring your essential things in a backpack. Don’t forget to apply some sunscreen for afternoon walks, and bring your torch if you’re going on a night walk.

  1. Enjoy your camping days

While you are on your camping trip, enjoy it. And be mindful of the other campers; you can make friends with them, but you should also respect their privacy. Also, don’t leave your trash on the campsite. Make sure you throw them in the trash bin.

No Wi-Fi, But the Connection Is Better

Camping, stories by the campfire, being close to nature, and stargazing — these are just some things you can enjoy as a camper. Don’t forget to disconnect from your phone and be lost in nature. This way, you can fully immerse yourself in the experience.

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