a gamer screaming while playing computer games

Injuries of a Gamer: What to Watch Out for

  • Due to repetitive, sedentary behavior, gaming careers carry potential health risks like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
  • Prolonged gaming causes posture issues like thoracic kyphosis, “text neck,” lumbar strain, and shoulder impingement.
  • Gamers’ sedentary lifestyle and poor diet choices can lead to obesity and related health conditions.
  • Prevention strategies include regular breaks, exercises, good posture, a healthy diet, and a balanced lifestyle.

Gaming, once seen as a mere pastime, has evolved into a lucrative career path for many. According to a report by Mordor Intelligence, the global gaming industry is expected to reach a market value of $295.63 billion by 2026. This explosive growth has paved the way for profitable opportunities. Professional gamers can earn through live-streaming gameplay, securing gaming companies’ sponsorships, and competing in esports tournaments.

For instance, the Fortnite World Cup offered a staggering total prize pool of $30 million, with the solo champion earning $3 million. Moreover, successful streamers on Twitch and YouTube make substantial revenue via subscriptions, donations, and ad revenue. This lucrative potential in gaming underscores its viability as a profitable career.

Of course, being a gamer often leads to a sedentary lifestyle, which can result in various health issues. Injuries can occur due to repetitive movements, poor posture, and prolonged hours of gameplay. As a gamer, it’s essential to understand the potential risks and take preventive measures to ensure one’s physical well-being. Here are a few to watch out for when pursuing a career in gaming:

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

A woman gamer with a hand injury

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a common condition among gamers. It’s caused by pressure on the median nerve – the nerve in the wrist that supplies feeling and movement to parts of the hand. Gamers are particularly prone to CTS due to the repetitive nature of their hand and wrist movements. Long gaming sessions without adequate breaks exacerbate this issue, leading to inflammation and swelling that compresses the nerve.

Symptoms include numbness, tingling, and pain in the hand and fingers, often specifically in the thumb, index, and middle fingers. If left untreated, CTS can lead to weakened hand grip and chronic pain, impairing a gamer’s performance and potentially their career.

Treatment and recovery from CTS often involve a combination of rest, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes. Gamers should take regular breaks, stretching and flexing their hands and wrists to increase blood flow and decrease tension. Maintaining good posture and utilizing ergonomic equipment, such as supportive chairs and wrist rests, can help prevent undue strain.

In severe cases, a reputable hand doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medication or suggest wearing a wrist splint to alleviate symptoms. Ultimately, surgical intervention may be necessary to relieve pressure on the median nerve if conservative treatments don’t alleviate symptoms. Prevention is vital, and proactive steps to maintain hand health can ensure longevity in a gaming career.

Long-Term Posture Issues

Posture problems for gamers

Sedentary behavior, like prolonged gaming, can lead to long-term posture issues due to strain on the back, neck, and shoulders. This is especially true if a gamer is not mindful of their body’s position during extended gaming sessions. Here are some specific examples:

Thoracic Kyphosis

This condition is caused by slouching, where the shoulders are forward rather than aligned with the body. Over time, this can lead to an abnormal forward curvature of the upper back, known as thoracic kyphosis or “gamer’s hunch.” It can cause upper back pain, stiffness, and even breathing difficulties in severe cases.

Forward Head Posture

A forward head posture, or “text neck,” is another common issue among gamers. This occurs when the head is consistently held forward from the shoulders, straining the neck muscles. Over time, it can lead to neck pain, tension headaches, and spinal degeneration.

Lumbar Strain

Incorrect seating position during gaming can lead to lumbar strain. This is a strain in the lower back caused by poor postural habits like slouching or leaning forward, which can result in lower back pain and stiffness.

Shoulder Impingement

Shoulder impingement can result from repetitive lifting of the arms, such as when using a controller or keyboard. This condition occurs when the rotator cuff muscles get the tendons impinged when passing through the shoulder joint, causing pain and reducing the range of motion.

These conditions underline the importance of maintaining good posture during gaming sessions, taking frequent breaks, performing stretching exercises, and investing in ergonomic gaming equipment. Regular physical activity and strength training can also help counteract these postural issues.


Obesity is a significant health risk for gamers due to their sedentary lifestyle. Spending long hours sitting and gaming, often with unhealthy snacks and drinks at arm’s reach, can contribute to excessive caloric intake and a lack of physical activity, leading to weight gain. Lack of sleep, often a side effect of long gaming sessions, can also trigger hormonal imbalances that stimulate appetite, leading to overeating and eventual weight gain.

To combat obesity, gamers should prioritize a balanced diet and regular exercise in their daily routine. Opt for healthier snack alternatives such as fruits, nuts, and vegetables, and control portion sizes. Hydrate with water instead of sugary beverages. Incorporate physical activity into your routine, even if it’s as simple as taking a walk, doing some stretches during gaming breaks, or using an exercise ball as a chair for part of your gaming session.

Regularly practicing cardio, strength training, or flexibility exercises can improve overall health and well-being. Getting adequate sleep is equally critical, as it helps regulate hormones, supports metabolic function, and promotes overall health. Consulting with a registered dietitian or a physical trainer can provide personalized strategies to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.

Final Thoughts

Gaming is a unique and exciting career path, offering immense potential for success. However, it’s essential to be aware of the potential health risks associated with this profession and take proactive steps to prevent injuries and maintain overall well-being. Gamers can continue doing what they love while safeguarding their physical health by prioritizing hand health, maintaining good posture, and implementing healthy habits like regular exercise and balanced nutrition.

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