Woman suffering from stress

How Stress Can Make Your Body Age Faster

Spending long hours at work can take a toll on your health. Even worse, it can also go down to the level of your genes. A recent study posted on the New York Times showed that doctors in training who loses several hours of sleep per week affect their mood the next day.

In turn, it makes it harder for them to sleep at night and culminate a chronic depressive state. It also makes them prone to Telomere shrinkage, which acts a form of a fuse at the end of the person’s DNA. Once it becomes too short, cells will receive a message that it’s time to self-destruct.

Experts say that although reducing work hours can help, having a form of stress relief is an even better way to help alleviate one’s self from it. But where do you start?

Be good to yourself

Life can be so tiring, especially if you spend most of it at work. That’s why it’s crucial to take regular breaks to give your body the rest that it needs. Aside from getting enough sleep, Psychology Today says that going on vacations can help remove you from the stressful situation that you experience.

But since it doesn’t happen most of the time, another option that you can choose is a distraction. Experts say that distraction works when the thing that you’re using to distract yourself is truthfully appealing. It’s something that genuinely takes the mind off your stress by bringing it into something different.

Going to restaurants in Spring Hill, KS, for an afternoon meal is an excellent idea to get your mind off the things that make you feel stressed. But did you know that there are other things that you can do to relieve yourself from stress aside from taking an active break?

Exercises to help de-stress yourself

Portrait of fit red haired woman doing yoga exercises at home on floor: sitting with legs crossed in lotus position on mat and smiling

Learning how to de-stress yourself is a must, especially when you’re working for several hours a day. Fortunately, there are a few easy exercises that can help you relieve yourself from stress. One way to do it is by taking a walk.

Going for a short walk can help your brain release endorphins that can help subdue anxiety. Even more, it can also boost your energy levels and improve your mood. All you need to do is take a short walk for at least 15 minutes to get the endorphins running.

Simple breathing exercises can also help. Deep breathing promotes better oxygen flow throughout your body even while you’re sitting on a chair. All you need to do is sit comfortably, breath in slowly through your nose and then slowly breathe out through your mouth.

You can do it for at least five times until you feel that your stress is fading away.

Stress is an enemy that you can overcome. Give yourself time to breathe, especially after a long day at work. You can go to your favorite restaurant with a couple of your friends so you can unwind. There’s nothing more stress-relieving than having a few laughs paired with good food after a long week.

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