child in a corner

Child Anxieties: Four Things Children Are Always Anxious About

Growing up is one of the most exciting times in life. You’re finally old enough to start making your own decisions, and you can’t wait to see what the world has in store for you. But getting to such an age takes a lot of time, and it also requires you to go through the tumultuous time of childhood.
Childhood is a time of wonder and creativity. It’s a time when you’re just discovering who you are and what you’re capable of. But it’s also a time of fears and anxieties. Many adults look back on their childhoods with fondness, but they also remember how scary and overwhelming it can be.
Anxiety is one of the most common emotions that a child would feel at this time. It’s normal to feel anxious and stressed about something, but it becomes a problem when it’s too much to handle. Here are some of the most common things that children are anxious about.

Losing Their Parents

Losing their parents is probably one of the most common fears children have. It’s natural for a child to feel attached to their parents, and the thought of losing them can be terrifying. Likewise, many children are afraid of being separated from their parents, whether due to divorce, death, or going to school.
However, the most severe form of this anxiety is separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is when a child is excessively anxious about being away from their parents or guardians. This can result in the child having trouble sleeping, eating, or even going to school. In some cases, children with separation anxiety may even try to avoid leaving their parents’ side.
It’s important to reassure your child that they will not lose you. Explain to them that even though you might not be together all the time, you will always love them and be there for them. Let them know that they can always come to you if they feel scared or lost. If it worsens, such as the child having panic attacks when you’re not around, please consult a mental health professional.
A boy biting his fingernails due to anxiety

Moving to a New House or School

Starting school or moving to a new house are significant changes that can be very scary for a child. It’s normal for them to feel anxious about leaving their comfort zone and adjusting to a new environment. Many children worry about making new friends, fitting in, and being able to handle the workload.
If a child is struggling to adapt to their new environment and is often confused or disoriented, they might be experiencing adjustment disorder. Adjustment disorder is when a person has difficulty coping with a significant life change. It usually goes away on its own, but it might require professional help in some cases.
To help your child ease into these changes, it’s essential to talk to them about it beforehand. Give them a tour of their new school or house to familiarize themselves with the place. Let them know that it’s okay to be scared and that you’ll be there to help them every step.

The Dentist

For some reason, children seem to be terrified of the dentist. It might be the bright lights, the unfamiliar environment, or the thought of someone poking around in their mouths. Some children might have a bad experience with the dentist related to pain and other traumatic experiences. The worst form of this is dental anxiety.
Dental anxiety is when a person experiences extreme fear or anxiety about going to the dentist. It can result in them avoiding dental appointments altogether. In severe cases, it can even lead to panic attacks. If your child is showing signs of dental anxiety, it’s essential to talk to their dentist about it. They might be able to provide sedation options that can help your child relax during their appointment.
If your child is afraid of the dentist, try finding a dental office specializing in pediatric dental care, such as Metro Dental. Dental offices specializing in pediatric care are usually more understanding and accommodating of children’s needs and can help deal with dental anxiety.


Flying can be a very anxiety-inducing experience, even for adults. For children, it can be even scarier. They might be afraid of the takeoff, the landing, or being up in the air for a long time. Some children might even be fearful of flying because they’ve seen movies or TV shows where something goes wrong on the plane.
The best way to ease a child’s fear of flying is by preparing them for the experience. Talk to them about what they can expect and answer any questions. If possible, take them on a short flight beforehand so they can get used to the sensation of being in the air. It’s also important to stay calm and avoid showing any signs of anxiety. Children can often sense when their parents are anxious, and it might make them more scared.
If your child is still struggling to fly, options are available to help them relax during the flight. For example, some airlines offer pre-boarding for families with young children to settle before take-off.
No matter what your child is afraid of, there are ways to help them overcome their fear. With a little bit of preparation and understanding, you can make the transition easier and help them feel more comfortable in their new environment. However, if your child’s fear persists or gets worse, please consult a mental health professional for assistance.

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