
Burn Those Quarantine Gains: Stay Fit at Home in 2021

Since the lockdown period started in 2020, people spend more time at their homes to work and study. As they spend months in quarantine, people barely get to exercise and have acquired unhealthy eating habits. A study by the University of Florida shows home confinement affects lifestyle patterns, like dietary habits, food attitudes, and access to food.

Every new year, most resolutions include staying healthy and fit. Since many gyms are still closed and sharing equipment with strangers is still not safe, working out at home is your best option to keep your body in shape.

Staying Physically and Mentally Fit at Home 

Even before the pandemic started, there are already a lot of workout videos available online designed for people who don’t have time to go to the gym. But working out at home can be difficult as it seems. There are a lot of distractions, like the TV or your bed.

Here are things you can do to meet your fitness goals.

1. Set up a Mini Gym

If you’re planning to commit to working out at home in the long run, it’s best to set up a home gym to help you during your fitness journey. This may cost you less compared to paying for a gym membership fee monthly.

The first thing you must do is choose the right location. You need enough space where you can stretch and do core exercises. The size of the room depends on the type of workouts you plan to do. A yoga workout, for instance, doesn’t require a big room. Routines that involve heavy lifting, however, would need more space.

You can remodel your basement or any spare room if you want to add more equipment. But an unused corner of your bedroom or living room would be enough, especially if you’re living in a smaller apartment.

Once you have chosen a location for your home gym, you need to stock it up with the workout equipment you need. You don’t need to get those bulky machines unless you need them for your routines. Most of the equipment you would need is quite small and affordable, such as a jump rope, dumbbells, balance disks, and yoga mats, among others.

Your home should be well-lit, be it from natural or artificial lights. This allows you to see your form properly and monitor your progress. Mirrors are also a nice addition to your home gym. It allows you to watch yourself doing your workout routines. Additionally, design a storage system for your home gym to keep your equipment in order, so they are not lying around the space.

2. Create a Workout Schedule and Stick to It

woman lifting weights

Having a workout plan helps you get the results you want. Since you have other things to do throughout the day, especially if you’re working from home, there will be times when you’ll not be in the mood to sweat.

Scheduling your workouts can motivate you to be consistent throughout your fitness journey. It becomes a part of your daily life. For instance, you spend 20 minutes every morning doing yoga. You can also dedicate each day to focus on specific routines. For example, Mondays are for cardio, Tuesdays are for core training, and so on.

You don’t need to work out every day. Give your body time to rest and recover. But knowing when to workout will help you meet your goals in no time.

3. Watch What You Eat

Regular exercise is vital in staying fit. Even if you dedicate most of your time and energy to working out but not focusing on your diet, your efforts may come to waste. The food you eat, whether you want to lose weight or build muscle, is vital to help you achieve your goals.

The right balance between nutrition and exercise can result in a successful body change. Lack of proper nutritional strategy can hold you back from meeting your goals. Consuming good carbs, lean protein, and drinking plenty of water, for instance, helps your muscles to recover.

The World Health Organization (WHO) also encourages people to eat healthily during the lockdown period. The organization recommends eating a variety of food that include fruits and vegetables, cutting back on salt, limiting sugar intake, eating moderate amounts of fats and oils, and staying hydrated.

You can follow a specific diet, such as intermittent fasting, low-carb, plant-based, paleo, and Mediterranean, among others. It depends on your fitness goals. Consult a nutritionist to help you decide which plan will be best for your body. Each diet plan offers different results and doesn’t work the same for everyone.

Staying at home to work or study makes it tempting to stay in bed all day and eat anything. In these uncertain times, however, keeping your body in good shape and staying healthy is vital. It can help you fight Covid-19. This 2021, make sure to dedicate more time to meet your fitness goals.

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