senior on powered wheel chair

Accessories to Make Seniors More Comfortable

As the market for new elder healthcare products grows, so does the number of people who use them. Several items on the market can help seniors in a variety of ways. Some of these revolutionary products transform the healthcare business in ways that many people would have never thought possible before.   Several assisted living service providers are actively working to provide millions of elders with all the aid they can obtain. Some do so by supplying living quarters, and others by offering items that allow seniors to live at home with the help of others.

Power Wheelchairs

Power wheelchairs are becoming increasingly popular among the elderly. In their lives, many realize that they require support walking, typically owing to recurrence of prior injuries, hip or knee difficulties, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and others.

Having a power wheelchair can be an excellent asset for seniors because it allows them to move around independently and complete their activities of daily living comfortably. It’s not uncommon for elders to view their power wheelchair positively, sometimes as a lifelong companion. All of their everyday activities are supported by the power wheelchair, consistently being there.

The person in the wheelchair still holds the wheelchair’s power, even though it has an electric motor. They are controlled by the user’s hands and sometimes using that person’s mouth with the help of another functional body part. You may get a sports wheelchair or a standard one on the internet while taking advantage of coupons to save a significant amount.

Shower Chairs

You can use shower chairs to support a senior’s body while washing them to preserve electricity. Moreover, they provide comfort and stability inside the shower, as well as aid with balance. In addition to chairs having arm and back support, making it easier for seniors to lift themselves without the dangers of slipping, it also makes it easier for them to clean themselves.

Aides for Activities of Daily Living (ADL)

Carrying out regular tasks as a senior citizen might be a challenge. When ADL aides are used, these activities can be performed more efficiently, leading to an improved quality of life. You might want to check out some of the following ADL aids.

  • Clothes with Velcro or elastic waistbands rather than buttons or zippers can make it easier for them to dress independently.
  • Shoelaces that don’t need shoelaces or slip-on shoes
  • Easy-grip products for the house such as drink containers, silverware, glasses, and mugs.
  • Using a grab stick to open hard-to-reach cabinets and shelves.

elderly woman waking up


Medicine manager MedMinder helps the chronically ill and elderly live independently at home. MedMinder seamlessly integrates its innovative pharmacy services with smart pill dispensers due to its efficient technology when it comes to smart pill dispensers. A succession of selectable visual and audio warnings reminds the elderly to take their medicine. In general, it sends alerts every 30 minutes or so.

The MedMinder will contact family members or caregivers through mobile phone, text, or email if the elderly do not take their medicines on time.

You can also use this technique to prevent dehydration. Using sensors, MedMinder can monitor the quantity of water left in a bottle and warn a senior when it’s time to drink more fluids. You can even insert edible sensors in individual pills. Once the capsule enters the stomach, it signals a remote device to guarantee proper usage and dosage.

Handheld Shower Heads

It is possible to separate the handheld shower head from the fixed or adjustable wall mounting. The elderly can move freely about the body with its extendable hose.

Older people can conserve water by using a handheld showerhead since they can direct water flow to where they need it. With the benefits of this equipment, seniors with limited mobility can bathe themselves independently while seated to avoid slips. Injuries are less likely to occur with handheld showerheads since they are less likely to fall.

Shower Mats for Bathtubs

When seniors bathe, a bathtub shower mat can help make the experience safer for them. A sturdy shower mat makes it easy for them to enter and leave the tub without slipping or tripping. As a result of this special shower mat and its slip-resistant surface, elders are protected from various ailments.

Accessories and medical equipment for seniors aren’t the only essentials to consider. Wearable medical alert gadgets, assistance seating aids, and orthopedic supplies (like wraps and braces to improve mobility) are among them. You do not have to purchase all of the medical devices for the elders listed above. There’s a variety of options available, depending on the user’s specific medical and daily demands. Making sure that your senior loved ones have the necessary tools and supplies reduces your stress.

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