
How to Keep Your Home Cozy

As a homeowner, one of your ultimate goals is to have a comfortable place to live in. There’s nothing like going home, enjoying a hearty meal in your kitchen, watching TV in your living space, and hitting the sack on your comfy bed.

Keeping your house cozy the whole year, however, proves to be a bit challenging. Think of the hot summer months and cold winter months that you and your family have to endure. Plus, you have kids who mess up your house almost every day.

Fret not, as there are ways to turn your house into a comfortable shelter to stay. That said, here’s how to keep your home cozy all year round:

1. Keep your house spick and span

It’s been said that cleanliness is next to godliness. This is gospel truth as cleanliness does more than meets the eye. One thing it does is to make your house a comfortable place to live in. Who wants to stay in a dirty and messy room anyway?

The good news is that there are simple ways to keep your house spick and span. Readers Digest suggested the following approaches to cleanliness:

  • Set a cleaning system in place.
  • Ensure smooth surfaces.
  • Declutter your rooms and create a space.
  • Clean as you go and come in.
  • Wash the dishes right away.
  • Take advantage of cleaning tools.
  • Find clever ways to store items.
  • Organize everything.
  • Delegate household tasks.
  • Hire cleaning experts.

2. Maintain your heating and cooling systems

When boosting your home comfort levels, your heating and cooling systems play a crucial role. The goal is to ensure your furnace or heater works during the cold winter months while your air conditioning unit works during the hot summer months.

It’s good if you have a Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system at home. However, be sure that your cooling and heating systems are always in top shape and working condition.

The rule of thumb is to have HVAC maintenance at least twice a year. Be sure to have your furnace and heater serviced during late fall and late spring. If your systems have issues, contact an HVAC professional and get a furnace or AC repair immediately.

3. Strike a balance between aesthetics and functionality

It’s easy to prioritize your home’s aesthetics when you’re looking to make your house cozy. Chances are, you focus on your home interior, its design, and decors. You also pay attention to your home exterior to boost your property’s curb appeal.

Keep in mind that you must not neglect your home’s overall functionality as well. Make sure that some areas of your house are functional. For instance, have enough storage solutions or even open shelving at home. Also, safely optimize your kitchen for cooking and food preparation.

Ultimately, strike a balance between aesthetics and functionality to make your home space as cozy as possible.

4. Install proper lighting

Did you know that lighting plays a crucial role in your home’s comfort? In fact, lighting creates the ambiance and sets the mood of the household. For this reason, it’s crucial to install the right light fixtures at home both for functional and aesthetic purposes.

For the most part, allowing natural light into your house can make a world of difference. Be sure to open your windows whenever necessary or install the right blinds and/or drapes. Apart from natural lighting, consider the following types of lighting:

  • Ambient lighting: This lighting type provides general illumination at home. The goal is to create a uniform lighting level.
  • Task lighting: This lighting type is exactly what it is —lights meant for specific tasks. For instance, you can install certain lights ideal for reading and writing at your desk.
  • Accent lighting: This lighting type is primarily for aesthetics. A perfect example is a recessed ceiling light meant to spruce up your living space.

5. Have some indoor plants

You probably know how relaxing it is to go outdoor and commune with nature. Trees, plants, and flowers work wonders in your overall health and well-being. As such, why won’t you consider bringing those plants and shrubs into your home?

In fact, research shows how beneficial it is to have indoor plants. Not only do these plants beautify your home, but they also improve your home’s air quality, reduce stress, increase productivity, and make you feel better.

That said, consider having some plants and shrubs with blooms indoors. All it takes is to:

  • Propagate your existing plants.
  • Have some cuttings from neighbors and friends.
  • Get fallen succulent leaves from gardens.
  • Use pots, planters, and baskets for your shrubs.
  • Veer away from faux greenery.

Keeping your house comfortable doesn’t have to be daunting. All it takes is to clean and declutter your house, maintain your HVAC system, balance your home’s aesthetics and functionality, install proper lighting, and have some indoor plants. With all these in mind, you and your family will have a cozy space in your house all year round!

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