woman stretching

Easy Ways to Boost Your Daily Physical Activity

No matter what your age or body mass index (BMI) is, physical activity is something that should never leave your daily routine. Staying active is necessary to improve the quality of your life in a way of reducing risks of various chronic diseases, physical injuries, and even mental health problems. Many studies also show that regularly engaging in physical activities can help reduce premature mortality and increase a person’s life expectancy.

In general, regular physical activity can help you maintain good health and wellness. Need help in pumping up your active lifestyle? Here are our favorite tips to increase your daily physical activities in a fun, relaxing way.

Keep the body in check

Before you could start a more active lifestyle, it’s essential that you know how’s your body is doing. Regular medical checkups are highly recommended to keep track of your health. Your doctor can give you appropriate advice on what diet or activities are best for you and your health goals. This is even more important if you’re experiencing physical pain following a surgery, injury, or due to other health problems. If this is the case, make sure to consult a pain management doctor before trying out new activities.

Get into the habit of stretching

Never underestimate the power of stretching. This simple movement can prevent you from getting stiff after sitting or lying in bed for too long. Experts encourage individuals to include basic stretching paired with breathing exercises in their morning or night routines to boost their energy levels. Doing so can help prepare your body for more challenging movements and just give you the energy to do more.

Prioritize daily walks

Some people believe that short morning or evening walks are not that important. When in fact, it’s a good way to increase your energy levels and boost your mood. Some studies found that people to take daily walks find it easier to get moving compared to ones who don’t. Experts recommend at least 20 to 30 minutes of walk every day. And the good thing is, it’s actually a relaxing and simple way to get your body moving.

Eat nutrient-dense food

Food is our body’s fuel to function. So if you’re looking to increase your physical activity, you need to eat more nutrient-dense food. Instead of counting your calories, concentrate on the quality of food you’re eating. Nutritious calories can help you feel more energized and healthier. Avoid eating highly processed or junk food that is only packed with harmful chemicals and additives. Sugary drinks and sodas also have empty calories so don’t waste money on them too. Start eating clean and mindfully.

woman checking her calendar

Optimize your daily schedule

If you want to boost your activity level, you’d also need to optimize your time properly. Determine the common distractions and time wasters, and get rid of them one by one. Create a healthy daily routine for a more balanced and productive life. Take note of your top three daily priorities, your daily and weekly goals, and unexpected opportunities. Experts also suggest scheduling time for a complete R&R to recharge your energy batteries. Depriving yourself of sleep or rest can just negatively impact your body, making it weaker and more vulnerable to diseases.

Do your house chores

One of the simplest ways to be more active and improve overall health is to perform household chores more efficiently. Doing housework is an excellent activity to make you sweat and maintain a clean and healthy space for you. Activities such as mopping the floor or moving heavy furniture require repetitive body movements and the use of numerous muscle groups, which are already great workouts. Do heavy vacuuming more frequently and go up and down those stairs.

Expand social life

In case you’re not aware yet, having an active social life also leads to an increased physical activity. One primary benefit of having a busy and bigger social circle is that you can try more and new healthful activities. You can expand your social life by becoming a volunteer in your community, taking walks through the neighborhood, joining a club, enrolling in a dance class, or pursuing a sport that you love. Besides improving your physical health, being socially active can also boost your immune system and mental health, improve mood, and can lead to a happier and longer life.

Use our simple tips here to motivate and challenge yourself to stay active for your own health and well-being. Allow your body and mind to be stronger to fight off health diseases and conditions by making physical fitness a priority in your daily routines.

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